Here I am on Day 1 of writing a blog. I have no idea what I am doing except following the path I think God's leading me down. Several weeks ago, I attended a conference in Indianapolis. My 33-year-old niece was attending for the second year in a row. When she called to invite me to join her, I was so thrilled to get to spend the weekend with her, that I immediately said YES. I had not really investigated what it was all about. All I knew is that it was for young Christian women entrepreneurs - none of which described me but if Megan thought I would like it, I was up for it.
I entered the ballroom for the welcome session. There were four hundred of us. I am 60 years old, which made me about 25 years older than anyone else I saw (!) - many girls pregnant and many with babies in tow. I made a decision to just go with it, shrug off feelings of being out of place. God always has an interesting plan so I anticipated what it was, with eagerness.
So, here is what the weekend was about: GOD. Every speaker shared their personal stories and how their reliance on God was essential to making it through the day. I would say most of the speakers were between 25 and 35, with children, making a living off of a blog or a business where they made something (they are called "creatives"). Instagram had a huge presence and your Instagram name was on your name tag - I was thrilled I had one! Social media is a strong force for these women. Most of them are making a living off their blog and Instagram. Isn't that so cool?!
God's presence was palpable. So much loving encouragement going around the room. And get this! There were Dads outside the conference rooms to take care of babies! The moms would take them, nurse them, let them sleep during the sessions, while dad worked on his computer but as soon as fussiness came on, Dad to the rescue.
But here is what I longed to tell this group of women, who were all trying so hard:
Relax just a little. Breathe. You don't have to change the great big world right this minute. You have an amazing influence over your own intimate world right at home, with your friends, with your community. Having a ton of followers is great but keep it in perspective. Having little ones is really challenging, exhausting and stressful but so much fun too! They grow up - even next year should be easier than this (unless you have another baby!). I'm not saying it isn't incredibly hard - it is - but the rewards are undeniable.
I am excited to share my thoughts and have you share yours (if I get any followers - eek!). Look for moments in your day where you are right where you want to be, with whom you want to be, doing exactly what you want to do and recognize that as an “in the green” moment. - Bottom line: God loves you and has an amazing plan for you! Be sure to keep your ears open for that.